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Crypto trading for Passive Income :

The Passive Income for literally doing zero work, you were like, you need a piece of that; you were going to give that a try. If you mean, you were a bit skeptical at the start, but you were seeing loads of people raving about loads of people on YouTube saying how

amazing they were. So you decided to sign up for a trading bot called coin rule, a UK-based Crypto trading bot, and they’ve had quite a lot of hype around them. There are a few articles about them. They’ve had quite a bit of Investment. So you thought that would be pretty good to try out. If you trusted it, you just jumped in and put in a hundred thousand dollars. If you only put in a thousand dollars, you tried out a few different types of their Bots. That one lost you over 62, and that one lost you over 70. now your not saying that you can’t make these Bots work. Maybe you didn’t leave them running long enough.

Suppose you don’t know what was wrong with the way that you set them up. But it wasn’t for you to move on to another passive income stream. What you’ve been testing for about three months now is Amazon KDP. You’ll show how much you’ve made so far in just a moment. But if you don’t already know, Amazon KDP is Amazon’s self-publishing book company, which allows you to upload and sell books on Amazon.

These books will then be printed and shipped to your customers as and when they’re Ordered. So you don’t need to invest in any stock upfront, but the great thing about Amazon KDP is that you do not need to be an author; you don’t need to know how to write books. Because you can sell low or no-content books, such as notebooks, planners, and journal tools.

Passive income generator :

Passive Income

That is what you’re doing, so you must focus on the book’s cover and inside. It’s usually blank, or it’s just lined paper. You can upload as many of them as you want onto Amazon, sell them and generate daily passive income. That is your KDP account. You’ve only created Five Books so far, but as you can see, you’ve got a Sketchbook, a Notebook, a manifestation Law of Attraction book, a password book, and a chronic illness symptom diary.

Now you’ll show how much you’ve made from that, so you’ll click on reports. So as you can see only generated a passive income of 18.44 Pence which is not a lot of money but to be honest, you’ve not done hardly any work for that. You uploaded five books. Just book covers basically created Five book covers you did all in one day, and then you’ve forgotten about it over the last few months, and it’s generated sales every now.

If you used to do ten times that, you were to put up 100 or a thousand bucks. If you can see how the income can start to increase from that, it’s all passive once you upload the books. So you think that is a good one; you will start putting more time and effort into that because it can be a great passive income generator.